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With this type of auction, the growth of each technology could be guaranteed to comply with the PNIEC and monitor the evolution of the cost of each one. Another option would be to promote auctions by ...
2020-07-23 10:41:43
Value-based bidding, favorable site conditions and Spanish engineering has carved a fresh opening for CSP build, market experts told Reuters Events.Spanish CSP expertise is set to feature in Portugal&...
2020-07-14 10:20:54
By the end of the next decade, the Middle East’s biggest export could be the sun, not oil, according to the developer of a new technology that aims to turn solar power into fuel.Last month – and for t...
2019-12-19 10:11:29
Solar thermal or Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) is not just one more renewable. Its great asset is that it allows availability and dispatchability (ability to generate electricity depending on the nee...
2019-11-26 10:18:13
Solar thermal can be split into two different types; solar thermal energy systems (heating/hot water) and concentrated solar power plants (electricity production). This article looks at what concentra...
2019-11-18 11:54:53
Changes to designs and operating models could help bring CSP back into the conversation.Despite its big potential, concentrated solar power remains one of the most expensive mainstream options for gen...
2019-11-13 13:50:40
Concentrating Solar Power costs have already plummeted by 47% compared to 2010. It is likely that costs will continue their downward trajectory thanks to economies of scale, deployment in locations wi...
2019-10-11 11:04:37
Reported from CSPPLAZA: Recently, at the China International CSP Conference held in Suzhou, China, Klaus Pottler, Managing Director of CSP Services Gmbh & Thomas Thaufelder, Head Expert Consulting...
2019-08-06 10:51:27