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Concrete Tower in CPECC Hami 50MW Molten Salt Tower CSP Project Being Capped.
2018-10-29 15:46:59    

Reported from CSPPLAZA: On October 26, 2018, CPECC Hami 50MW Molten Salt Tower CSP Project has finished the goal that outer wall of the 180 tower is capped, which saves valuable time for the installation of the receiver and lays a solid foundation for the steady progress for the program.

Up to now, the brake of main plant of the project has been hoisted in place; the foundation of the molten salt pump crack has been completed; the steel beam of the turbine house has been installed; the construction of the wear-proof ground of the heliostat-assembled factory has been completed; the road construction in pre-factory area has been completed; the closed construction of color plate in heliostat-assembled factory has been completed. In addition, the production of heliostat pipe, mechanical drilling and piling of the piles are also progressing intensively.

The project is one of China’s first batch of CSP demonstration projects. Located in Xinjiang, it is also the first CSP demonstration project in Xinjiang. With the planned 2x50MW capacity, the first construction phase will be around 1x50MW molten salt tower CSP plant. It incorporates Stellio heliostat in solar field.

After the completion of the project, it is estimated that 1.9835 billion kWh of clean electricity can be generated each year. The power generation quality is superior to that of PV and wind power generation, which can achieve the goal of stable output of electricity and shaving the power grid. At the same time, as one of the country’s first batch of CSP demonstration projects, it is of great significance to promote the development of related industries in Hami in the future.

To know more of the project, click Overview of CPECC Hami 50MW Molten Salt Tower CSP Project

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