Reported from CSPPLAZA: The Lebanese Center for Energy Conservation(LCEC) has published a Request for Proposal (RFP) for Consultancy Services for the Development of a Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) Plant in Hermel Lebanon.The project will have a capacity of at least 50 MW with 7.5 hours of storage.
The consultant will be in charge of the preparatory studies for the CSP plant, consisting of: feasibility study including demand/supply gap analysis, technical, financial, and economic aspects, capacity development assessment and an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) as well as potential funding options and tender documents for detailed design and implementation of the project.
The proposal is due on 26 November 2019 at 3:00 p.m. All proposals received after the mentioned date and time will be rejected.
In order to reach the target of 12% from renewable energy by 2020, Lebanon is determined to develop the solar power technologies.
In the National Renewable Energy Action Plan (NREAP) 2016-2020 published in January 2017 and launched by the Ministry of Energy and Water (MEW), there is a specific chapter for concentrated solar power generation with a realistic target of 50 MW and an optimistic target of 100 MW, both with 7.5 hours of storage.
Please click to download the RFP of the project:
191010110613477_20191010 (RFP) for Consultancy Services for the CSP Plant in Hermel Leba....docx